When we sit back and reflect on the last 365 days, you begin to realize that PWB Joy of Hope Foundation has yet again made a huge contribution to our community. We are eternally grateful that we get to spread JOY and HOPE to those that need a little extra love throughout the year. A huge THANK YOU to these amazing community partners such as King’s Ridge Christian School Women’s Bible Study Group, South Forsyth Lacrosse, South Forsyth Girls Lacrosse Forsyth County School Project Life Students, Cassie Cakes, VP Landscape LLC, Polo Golf & Country Club HOA and Neighbors, Vickery Neighbors, Princeton Square Neighbors, T3 Packaging, Arctic Circle Air, and our incredible PWB Village who helped immensely in several community initiatives.
On January 24, 2024, the Cumming Water Tower was lit in red, blue and yellow lights in honor of Parker and the SUDC Foundation. We are excited to announce that this year the water tower will also be shining bright in honor of Parker. We’re fortunate that our hometown honors Parker and the Foundation. This is the true meaning of home.
In March 2024, PWB Joy of Hope Foundation teamed up with The Place to deliver a delicious Easter lunch to patrons.
In June 2024, PWB Joy of Hope Foundation was nominated as a nominee in the Best of Georgia 2024 in the category of Community and Business Organizations: Foundations for the The Georgia Business Journal. In Dec 2024, we found out that we were awarded with the title as one of the Best in Georgia Foundations! That makes us winners years in a row!!!
In August 2024, PWB Joy of Hope Foundation teamed up with T3packaging to donate personal hygiene packs to help aid high school aged youth for the 2024-2025 school year for The Place. We also were able to donate
backpacks geared towards 15 middle schoolers and 15 high schoolers to Lakeland Baptist Church in Buford.
Also in August 2024, we had the honor to announce that Finnley Klausmann, a local 5th grade cancer warrior, would be the recipient of this year’s Make-A-Wish Georgia grant at our 4th Annual PWB Golf Tournament held in October! It really hits home when you get to be a part of something so life changing.
Also in August 2024, the residents of The Place Cottage were given gift cards to go shopping to buy a new back to school outfit for their first day! How amazing is it that every resident was accepted into UNG Georgia!!! This is proof that when you dream big, you can achieve your goals and aspirations no matter what your circumstances are.
In September 2024, PWB Joy of Hope Foundation was nominated as a contender in the Best of Forsyth 2025 Non-Profit Organization category.
In October 2024, we held our 4th Annual PWB Golf Tournament. We were able to raise a significant amount of money and grant Make-A-Wish Georgia dreams come true! One of the highlights of the golf tournament was hearing Carson Paquette and his family speak about their cancer journey and their experience on their Make a Wish trip; a time of reflection, healing and bonding. Being able to open up about the last few years of healing was so powerful for them but also everyone in attendance (there wasn’t a dry eye in the crowd.) The biggest highlight of the tournament was having our Make A Wish recipient, Finnley Klausmann and family in attendance. They too spoke about their cancer journey and how their faith has kept their spirits high and how cancer has made them stronger as a family. When the time comes, Finnley and her family will get to enjoy a breathtaking adventure at Aulani, a Disney Resort in Hawaii!!! Another huge THANK YOU to Cue’ Barbecue for sponsoring the delicious food at the tournament and their love for giving back to our community.
Also in October 2024, PWB Joy of Hope Foundation was honored and humbled to partner with Polo Golf & Country Club HOA’s 3rd Annual Witches Ride. The monetary donations that were collected on our behalf went directly towards impacting the girls at Jesse’s House, Inc. The house was gifted a memorable Ice-Skating experience and dinner afterwards.
In November 2024, PWB Joy of Hope Foundation partnered with various community partners to assist families with packing ALL the Thanksgiving food boxes for The Place. We hope those 420 families had a very blessed Thanksgiving. I have to say…our Thanksgiving turkey tasted so much better knowing that our community was provided for.
In December 2024, PWB Joy of Hope created a Christmas Angel Gift Card Tree in honor of the girls at Jesse’s House, Inc. and The Place Cottage. With the generous outpouring of love and support, PWB Claus was able to make Christmas a little brighter for these
residents. We hope they felt the community’s love, support, and belief in the amazing things that lie ahead for each of them in the future.
2024 was a year of Love, a year of Grace, a year of Fulfillment, a year of Joy, and a year of Hope. Over the past 5 years, we are so very honored and blessed to announce that PWB Joy of Hope Foundation has given back over $,
!!! The impact that we can make upon our community is mind boggling; and that is THANKS to YOU and your generous donations. Thank you to each and every one of you for supporting our foundation. We look forward to sharing our goals for 2025 and continuing to keep Parker’s light shining bright!